Page 12 - Eyecon_9430 Step Sheets_Artwork
P. 12

 The Eyecon has a built in Ethernet interface allowing
 connectivity on existing networks and beyond. This
 functionality means that not only can you connect to      PHYSICAL INVENTORY
 a range of Pharmacy Management Software (PMS)   Reduce the time to complete a physical inventory and cycle
 systems, but also allows you to use the Eyecon as part   count by over 70%. Fast and exact counting along with
 of your telepharmacy offering.  digital recording.
 •  Eliminates excess inventory.
 PMS INTEGRATION  •  Minimizes physical inventory time by over 70%.
 Integration with the PMS means having a smoother   •  Reduces inventory variances.
 workflow process while improving safety and security.
 Automating the data handling between the PMS and   •  Decreases physical inventories due to increased
 Eyecon means digitally recording every step of the Rx        prescription filling accuracy.
 process including each verification process. Verification   •  Improves employee morale by automating pill counting
 happens at every stage to ensure the correct Rx, Drug        and allowing for other focuses within facility.
 number, Stock bottle and quantity.  •  Eyecon also counts ointments, creams, solutions
      and pre-packs.

 The Eyecon can also transfer a summary of all      UNIT OF USE
 physical inventory counts to update perpetual   Unit of Use allows the operator to record and track
 counts quickly and accurately in an inventory   manually counted pills;  Eyecon counted pills; and, full
 management system.  bottle counts within the Report Database.

 Eyecon seamlessly integrates with your   Audit reports allow staff to analyze various aspects
 existing telepharmacy solution by making   of prescriptions filled by the Eyecon. The Eyecon allows
 it easy for remote verification of the Rx   you to search:
 by recording HD images of the annotated   •  C-II prescriptions;
 tray image, color image of the pill tray, color   •  Specific Drug Numbers;
 image of the filled vial and a color image   •  Specific uses;
 of the vial label. All images are associated   •  Partial-fills;
 with the Rx which include; date, time and   •  and/or types and number of
 dispensing user information.       prescriptions filled per day.
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